Month by Month Gardening Chores
This is Dail Reid's "Monthly Garden Chores by Zone!"
Want to know what to do when? First you need to know in which zone you live!
If you don't know your gardening zone; you can determine which "hardiness zone" you are
in, by clicking on the thumbnailed zone map. When you click the thumbnailed image, a
much larger (320 KB) map will be loaded into a separate browser window. It does take a
bit of time to download, on slower Internet connections, so please be patient.
(note: you'll probably only need to do this one time anyway)
When you have the larger map on your screen, you can make the browser window that it is in, even larger
(if need be). Just MAXIMIZE that browser window -- and/or -- press the [F11] function key
on your keyboard. [F11] will FULL-SCREEN that browser window for you. When finished viewing the
zone map, press [F11] again -- and/or -- just close that browser window.
The zone map will help you to determine in what zone you are gardening. Armed with that
information, continue scrolling down this page (for the "monthly chores" section).
Once you know your gardening zone; you can check the Monthly TO-DO list for your area,
by clicking on the zone number below. I'll update this when you've finished your chores!
If you have any questions about the list, e-mail
Dail Reid, for an answer.
ZONE 1.....
ZONE 2.....
ZONE 3.....
ZONE 5.....
ZONE 6.....
ZONE 8.....
ZONE 9.....
ZONE 10.....
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