No matter what type of collectible is your specific area of interest, you are very likely going to see a great deal of glass during your quest to build your collection or find items for resale. Understanding glass terminology can help you avoid expensive pitfalls along the way. This site has a chart that illustrates some examples of the glass, and explains what each is. Great reference article and information.
Kitchen Junk
Love those spiffy old aprons, out-of-print cook books, cookie tins, hand made pot holders, percolators and coffee pots, milk bottles (Got milk junk?) salt and pepper shakers, pots and pans, bread boxes and boards, bohemian coffee cups, and good old housekeeping tools--brooms and dustpans! The kitchen is for sure the heart of the home.
Floaty Pens!
Also called "Tilt Pens" or "Photoramic" ® pens, floaty pens are plastic, retractable ball-point pens that usually illustrate a tourist attraction, advertising theme, or other interesting subject. (You might recall the older pens from the 1940's that offered revealing views beneath bathing-suited beauties.) The lower half of the pen is made of opaque plastic with a twisting-tip retraction mechanism. The upper half is composed of an oil-filled, transparent plastic section (the design barrel) that contains a colorful and surprisingly detailed background scene with a moving design on film (the glider).
Magazine Collectors
You can search all LIFE covers from 1936 to 1972, the years when LIFE was published as a weekly magazine. Take a look back into time, through LIFE. Each day the page changes to feature this day in history by showing four cover pictures. What better fun, just enter your birthday and see what was happening that week?
National Postcard Week
Each year postcard collectors, called deltiologists, commemorate the occasion by creating
home-made postcards and sending them to their postcard-collecting
friends. This tradition has been followed nationwide since 1984, when
National Postcard Week began. The variety of cards produced by
collectors is never-ending, from professionally printed photographs to
hand-drawn or rubber-stamped individualized cards.
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